Developer guide:

poolvr.table: Model of the pool table’s geometry and other physical parameters

class poolvr.table.PoolTable(length=2.34, height=0.77, width=None, width_rail=0.0508, **kwargs)[source]

poolvr.physics: event-based Pool physics simulator

This module implements an event-based pool physics simulator based on the paper (available at

Will Leckie, Michael Greenspan
DOI: 10.1007/11922155_19 · Source: DBLP
Conference: Advances in Computer Games, 11th International Conference,
Taipei, Taiwan, September 6-9, 2005.
class poolvr.physics.PoolPhysics(num_balls=16, ball_mass=0.17, ball_radius=0.028575, mu_r=0.016, mu_sp=0.044, mu_s=0.2, mu_b=0.06, c_b=4000.0, E_Y_b=2400000000.0, g=9.81, initial_positions=None, use_simple_ball_collisions=False, **kwargs)[source]

Pool physics simulator

  • mu_r\mu_r, rolling friction coefficient
  • mu_sp\mu_{sp}, spinning friction coefficient
  • mu_s\mu_s, sliding friction coefficient
  • mu_b\mu_b, ball-to-ball collision friction coefficient
  • c_bc_b, ball material’s speed of sound
  • E_Y_b{E_Y}_b, ball material’s Young’s modulus
  • g – downward acceleration due to gravity
eval_accelerations(t, balls=None, out=None)[source]

Evaluate the linear accelerations of all balls at game time t.

Returns:shape (N, 3) array, where N is the number of balls
eval_angular_velocities(t, balls=None, out=None)[source]

Evaluate the angular velocities of all balls at game time t.

Returns:shape (N, 3) array, where N is the number of balls
eval_positions(t, balls=None, out=None)[source]

Evaluate the positions of a set of balls at game time t.

Returns:shape (N, 3) array, where N is the number of balls
eval_quaternions(t, out=None)[source]

Evaluate the rotations of a set of balls (represented as quaternions) at game time t.

Returns:shape (N, 4) array, where N is the number of balls
eval_velocities(t, balls=None, out=None)[source]

Evaluate the velocities of a set of balls at game time t.

Returns:shape (N, 3) array, where N is the number of balls
find_ball_states(t, balls=None)[source]

Determine the states (stationary, sliding, rolling, or spinning) of a set of balls at game time t.

Returns:dict mapping ball number to state

Return the time at which all balls have come to rest.


Reset the state of the balls to at rest at the specified positions

strike_ball(t, i, Q, V, cue_mass)[source]

Strike ball i at game time t. The cue strikes the ball at point Q = a \hat{i} + b \hat{j} + c \hat{k}, which is specified in coordinates relative to the ball’s center with the \hat{k}-axis aligned with the horizontal component of the cue’s impact velocity V = \vec{V}, i.e.

\hat{k} = - \frac{\vec{V} - (\vec{V} \cdot \hat{j}) \hat{j}}{ \| \vec{V} - (\vec{V} \cdot \hat{j}) \hat{j} \| }

and c > 0. Pool game classes which implement game rules, initial conditions, table setup, etc.

class[14540254, 15658496, 238, 15597568, 15597806, 15628032, 60928, 12264004, 1118481, 15658496, 238, 15597568, 15597806, 15628032, 60928, 12264004], ball_radius=0.028575, table=None, **kwargs)[source]

Game state for a pool “game”

  • ball_colors – array defining a base color for each ball
  • stripe_colorsoptional map defining a stripe color for each ball that is striped

Advances the game time to the instant that all balls have come to rest.

initial_positions(d=None, out=None)[source]

Set balls to initial (racked) positions


Resets the game state, which means: set balls in their initial stationary positions; reset physics engine.

poolvr.gl_rendering: OpenGL renderer, node-based scenegraph with glTF-like datatypes

class poolvr.gl_rendering.OpenGLRenderer(multisample=0, znear=0.1, zfar=1000, window_size=(960, 1080))[source]

Render the given meshes.

This method returns a managed context for drawing the frame. If used in a with-statement, the rendering takes place when the with block is exited.

Parameters:optional (meshes) – iterable collection of Mesh-like objects
class poolvr.gl_rendering.Program(vs_src, fs_src, parse_attributes=True, parse_uniforms=True)[source]

GLSL program

class poolvr.gl_rendering.Technique(program, attributes=None, uniforms=None, states=None)[source]

GL rendering technique (based off of Technique defined by glTF schema)

class poolvr.gl_rendering.Material(technique, values=None, textures=None)[source]
class poolvr.gl_rendering.Primitive(mode, indices, index_buffer=None, attribute_usage=None, **attributes)[source]
class poolvr.gl_rendering.Mesh(primitives, matrix=None)[source]
class poolvr.gl_rendering.Node(matrix=None)[source]

poolvr.primitives: Various primitive geometry classes for the OpenGL renderer and the physics engine

class poolvr.primitives.HexaPrimitive(vertices=None)[source]
class poolvr.primitives.CylinderPrimitive(radius=0.5, height=1.0, num_radial=12)[source]
class poolvr.primitives.SpherePrimitive(radius=0.5, widthSegments=16, heightSegments=12, phiStart=0.0, phiLength=6.283185307179586, thetaStart=0.0, thetaLength=3.141592653589793)[source]

Sphere geometry based on three.js implementation:

class poolvr.primitives.PlanePrimitive(width=1.0, height=1.0, depth=0.0, **attributes)[source]
class poolvr.primitives.BoxPrimitive(width=1.0, height=1.0, length=1.0)[source]

poolvr.billboards: OpenGL billboard particle class which is used to render the balls

poolvr.ode_physics: Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)-based physics simulator (time-stepped)

Open Dynamic Engine-based pool physics simulator

class poolvr.ode_physics.ODEPoolPhysics(num_balls=16, ball_mass=0.17, ball_radius=0.028575, g=9.81, linear_damping=0.06, angular_damping=0.1, initial_positions=None, table=None, **kwargs)[source]